Trail Life Yakima
Boys are searching for realms they can conquer and areas where they can excel. Trail Life USA is where boys thrive! Boys are guided competently by adults who have been trained, background-checked, and educated in child safety and youth protection. When boys are empowered and provided with proper structure, they rise to the occasion and conquer significant challenges. As boys grow in confidence, character, and leadership, they experience intentional rites of passage that recognize their progress and mark steps in their journey to manhood. We are excited to bring this opportunity to Yakima.
The vision of Trail life is to be the premier character development organization for young men which produces Godly husbands, fathers, and citizens. We do this as we guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure.
This work is the work of the church to oversee. Troop-1000 is a ministry of Saint Andrew's Presbyterian to serve and build up boys in the Yakima Valley. Members of several churches are partnering together to launch this ministry in the spring of 2025. If you are interested in your family becoming a part of Trail Life in Yakima, WA fill out the form linked below:
What makes Trail Life different from the Boy Scouts (Scouting America)?
There are many differences between Scouting America and Trail Life. Here are the most notable distinctions that set Trail Life apart:
Trail Life provides an unapologetically Christian stance, with the Bible as the foundation for truth and stated Christian Worldview Essentials that permeate the program.
Youth membership is limited to only males.
Trail Life provides trained, background-checked, and equipped Christian men who lead boys in a male-centric environment.
Trail Life provides a Boy-Focused program and activities designed to let boys be boys, accentuating their strengths.
Trail Life provides a robust awards program and challenging physical, mental, and spiritual objectives that let boys experience victory.
The Charter Organization that has a Trail Life Troop owns and operates that Troop as its own ministry.