The Northwest Presbytery Meeting

May 19-20 in Yakima, WA

Friday Lunch Registration

Menu: Pulled Pork Tacos served with local rice and beans and chips and salsa.

Presbytery Parking

There is limited parking in front of the church building. Feel free to park there if there is an open spot.

Parking Option 1

You may park in the open lot next to Barth and Associates located on the northside of Lincoln Ave.  (see map)

Parking Option 2
Public parking is also available in the lot next to McDonalds off of N. 1st Street (N. 1st St. Parking and Walking Directions)

All other parking around the church is 2-hour parking only.

Please enter through the front doors of the church building.

Guest Wifi

network: Saint Andrew’s Guest
pw: saintandrews