Women’s Fall Retreat
“I will meditate on your precepts
and fix my eyes on your ways.”
-Psalm 119:15
Be our companions this Fall as we journey into the quietness of rest and deep connection with the Lord and each other, with Biblical teaching, with fireside and feasting. We will be spending two nights at Camp Ghormley from Nov 3rd-5th. Special guest teacher, Heather Laughlin, will be joining us to teach from God’s Word.
2 Retreat Options:
Register for the full weekend: cost $190 (all meals)
Register for Friday-Saturday only: cost $120 (Fri dinner, Sat breakfast, Sat lunch)
Register by: Aug 31st (If you can register before this date, that will help in our planning.)
*For those who need financial help to be able to attend, please contact Jen Harris
*registrations are non-refundable

Easter Feast
Please join us for our Easter Feast as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ and mark the occasion with festive worship and feasting.

Good Friday
On Good Friday we mark the death of Christ. This is a somber service as we read and sing our way through the gospel of John’s account of the crucifixion.

Join us for an evening of food, scripture reading, prayer, and finally partaking of the Lord’s Table together as we mark Jesus’ last meal with the disciples before his death and resurrection.
Bring soup or bread to share.

Ash Wednesday Service
Join us as we mark the beginning of the Lenten season with our Ash Wednesday service where we read scripture, sing songs, and remember that we are mortal creatures who are dependent on our creator to come and rescue us.

Epiphany Party
Epiphany marks the end of the Christmastide season and the begins the season of Epiphany. Epiphany is one of the under celebrated traditions by most evangelical churches, but it is a worthy one to celebrate. Epiphany marks the moment when the wise men come to the manger to greet Christ the King with gifts. What makes this moment so miraculous is that the wisemen are not Jewish. In this moment the light of Christ has reached the gentiles and marks the mission of the church to reach the world.
We are meeting at the Hayter’s place (4031 Stephenson Rd. Harrah, WA 98933). We plan to share chili, hot chocolate and a large bonfire. BRING YOUR DRIED OUT CHRISTMAS TREES. We are goin to use them to light the flame.
Christmas Morning Service
Come join us for church on Christmas morning. No better way to celebrate the coming of the Savior of the world than to come together as his body and fellowship in the fruits of his incarnation!

Christmas Eve Service
We would love to have you join us for our Christmas Eve service as we rejoice in the first coming of Christ together. It will be an evening of scripture readings, songs, and prayers, ending with a candlelit room singing Silent Night together.
We hope to see you there.

A Vision for the Church, with Peter Leithart
The world seems to be coming apart at the seams. Supreme Court nominees demur when asked to define "woman." Daily life is drastically disrupted by government attempts to control a virus. Two large European countries are at war.
Many Christians despair. Others flee to safe spaces to wait for Jesus to come.
Worlds die. Ours may be dying.
But it's not a moment for despair or retreat. It's a time for hopeful action. When everything unravels, God calls the church to minister to the dying and to rebuild the ruins.
In this weekend conference, Peter J. Leithart, President of the Theopolis Institute, will explain how the church can meet the challenges of our time.
We have all we need. The church needs to take hold of the gifts of the Spirit that unite us to Christ and His mission - immersion in the Word of God, regular celebration at the Lord's table, Psalm-singing, prayer, service to the helpless.
Centered on the Word and table, the church becomes more and more what it is - an outpost of the heavenly city of God, sent to renew the cities of men.
Event Schedule
Friday, Sept. 16
7 pm: Vespers worship
7:30-8:30 pm: Lecture 1
Saturday, Sept. 17
8:30 am: Matins worship
9-10 am: Lecture 2
10-10:30 am: Break
10:30-11:30 am: Lecture 3
11:30 am-12 pm: Q&A
12 pm: Sext worship
For those coming from out of town, there are several hotels near to the church building:
The Hotel Maison
Fairfield Inn & Suites Marriott
Hilton Garden Inn

Women's Summer Bible Seminar
Join us for our Women’s Summer Bible Seminar with Christian speaker, Bible study teacher and author Mary Beth McGreevy. She will be taking us through a bird’s eye view of how to read and study God’s Word and how to share our faith with others. She is a visiting instructor of practical theology at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Please plan to join us for a free lunch in the church fellowship hall after the last session on Saturday August 27th from noon-1pm!
For those coming from out of town, there are several hotels near to the church building:
The Hotel Maison
Fairfield Inn & Suites Marriott
Hilton Garden Inn

Easter Feast
Please join us for our Easter Feast as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ and mark the occasion with festive worship and feasting.

Good Friday
On Good Friday we mark the death of Christ. This is a somber service as we read and sing our way through the gospel of John’s account of the crucifixion.

Join us for an evening of food, scripture reading, prayer, and finally partaking of the Lord’s Table together as we mark Jesus’ last meal with the disciples before his death and resurrection.
Bring soup or bread to share.

Epiphany Party
Epiphany marks the end of the Christmastide season and the begins the season of Epiphany. Epiphany is one of the under celebrated traditions by most evangelical churches, but it is a worthy one to celebrate. Epiphany marks the moment when the wise men come to the manger to greet Christ the King with gifts. What makes this moment so miraculous is that the wisemen are not Jewish. In this moment the light of Christ has reached the gentiles and marks the mission of the church to reach the world.
The location is TBD at this moment but we plan to share chili, hot chocolate and a large bonfire. BRING YOUR DRIED OUT CHRISTMAS TREES. We are goin to use them to light the flame.

Christmas Eve Service
We would love to have you join us for our Christmas Eve service as we rejoice in the first coming of Christ together. It will be an evening of scripture readings, songs, and prayers, ending with a candlelit room singing Silent Night together.
We hope to see you there.

Building Move In Cleaning
You are invited to join us as we cleanup the new building and get it ready for the worship of the Lord. Coffee, donuts and lunch will be provided.

Building Dedication
We would love to have you join us as we dedicate our new church home. Join us as we will be reading scripture, singing songs, and lifting our voices in prayer. The service will be followed by a dessert and coffee reception downstairs. Let us give thanks to the Lord for his provision!

Good Friday
On Good Friday we mark the death of Christ. This is a somber service as we read and sing our way through the gospel of John’s account of the crucifixion.

Join us for an evening of song, scripture reading, prayer, and finally partaking of the Lord’s Table together as we mark Jesus’ last meal with the disciples before his death and resurrection.

Ash Wednesday Service
Join us as we mark the beginning of the Lenten season with our Ash Wednesday service where we read scripture, sing songs, and remember that we are mortal creatures who are dependent on our creator to come and rescue us.

Epiphany Party
Epiphany marks the end of the Christmastide season and the begins the season of Epiphany. Epiphany is one of the under celebrated traditions by most evangelical churches, but it is a worthy one to celebrate. Epiphany marks the moment when the wise men come to the manger to greet Christ the King with gifts. What makes this moment so miraculous is that the wisemen are not Jewish. In this moment the light of Christ has reached the gentiles and marks the mission of the church to reach the world.
The location is TBD at this moment but we plan to share chili, hot chocolate and a large bonfire. BRING YOUR DRIED OUT CHRISTMAS TREES. We are goin to use them to light the flame.

Christmas Eve Service
We would love to have you join us for our Christmas Eve service as the church calendar changes its seasons on this glorious evening. It will be an evening of scripture readings, songs, and prayers, ending with a candlelit room singing Silent Night together.
We hope to see you there.

Women's Fall Gathering
All the women of Saint Andrew’s are invited to meet up for a time of fellowship, community building, and encouragement. Bring a Friend!

First Sunday BBQ
We are excited to announce that we will be meeting together for our first worship service on September 13! To celebrate this amazing occasion we will be hosting a BBQ to follow and lots of lawn games. We would love to have you join us.

Labor Day BBQ and Spike Ball Tourney
Come and and spend your Labor Day evening, eating some delicious BBQ and playing some Spikeball. If you can make it bring a side or drink to share.